Women in the Qur'an: 'Reappropriating' Muslim women's...
In the introduction to the book, Women in the Qur'an, Asma Lamrabet writes that the issue of Muslim women is held hostage between two perceptions: a conservative Islamic approach and a liberal Western approach. "At the heart of this debate Muslim women are seeking to...
Muslim women's veil or hijab between a colonial ideology and a...
Muslim women’s veil as a topic is still today at the heart of the feminist debate as well as in all the debates on modernity, freedom and the place of religion in our contemporary societies. The obsessive focus around this subject looks very revealing to us of the...
How does the Qur’an address the issue of Muslim woman’s veil or “Hijab”?
The question of Hijab or the veil is currently one of the most controversial issues in both in the Muslim country and the West, where it causes collective hysterical paroxysm. The issue of the "veil" is undoubtedly the core of a very intricate subject linked -in a...
Les membres du comité scientifique de l’Institut de Rabat-Driss Benzekri pour les droits de l’Homme sont désormais connus. Ils ont été officiellement présentés lors d’une cérémonie organisée le mercredi 15 mai 2019 à Rabat en présence de la présidente du...
Rôle des religions dans la paix mondiale
Quand on relit l’histoire des religions à l’échelle mondiale, on a tendance à douter du rôle pacificateur des religions ! En effet, on s’aperçoit malheureusement que les religions certes prêchent la paix mais en même temps elles ont en fait plutôt fait la...
Role of religions in world peace: utopias or sources of hope?
When we read the history of religions on a global scale, we tend to suspect about their positive role in world peace. Indeed, we notice that religions certainly preach for peace but unfortunately they also made war!
How can a reformist approach to women’s issue in Islam be adopted?
We know that the issue of women, since the "Renaissance" or the Arab Nahda (late 19th century and early 20th century), remained globally limited to the register of a traditionalist and conservative vision that focuses only on the "Rights and Duties of Muslim...
Muslim Women’s Veil, Between the Colonial Ideology and Traditionalist...
The issue of Muslim women’s veil is clearly tackled today in feminist debates and all other debates on modernity, liberty and the place of religion in our contemporary societies. I believe that the excessive focus on this topic reflects the binary approach disseminated by...
À propos de l'auteur
Native de Rabat (Maroc), Asma Lamrabet, exerce actuellement en tant que médecin biologiste à l’Hôpital Avicennes de Rabat. Elle a exercé durant plusieurs années (de 1995 à 2003) comme médecin bénévole dans des hôpitaux publics d'Espagne et d’Amérique latine, notamment à Santiago du Chili et à Mexico.