Asma Lamrabet’s Theology: Navigating Islam, Gender Equality and Decolonial Thought

This chapter explores the thought of Asma Lamrabet (b. 1960), one of the most rep- resentative contemporary figures of the field of Islamic feminism, both in Morocco and globally. On the basis of numerous conversations and interviews carried out in Morocco with Asma Lamrabet between 2008 and 2018, as well as the study of docu- mental sources, the chapter firstly analyses four phases of the biographical, intel- lectual, and public trajectory of the author, and secondly her methods and the main contents of her work.

À propos de l'auteur


Native de Rabat (Maroc), Asma Lamrabet, exerce actuellement en tant que médecin biologiste à l’Hôpital Avicennes de Rabat. Elle a exercé durant plusieurs années (de 1995 à 2003) comme médecin bénévole dans des hôpitaux publics d'Espagne et d’Amérique latine, notamment à Santiago du Chili et à Mexico.

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Asma Lamrabet

Les femmes et l'islam : une vision réformiste